Attorney Scott Poorman has unique experience in land use law. With an undergraduate degree in Environmental Resources Engineering, Mr. Poorman understands the technical aspects of land use and development issues. As a former civil attorney for Kootenai County, Mr. Poorman advised the Planning Department and the Board of County Commissioners on numerous land use and zoning matters. As a former Kootenai County Hearing Examiner, Mr. Poorman conducted public hearings and made recommendations to the County Commissioners on land use applications. As a subdivision developer, Mr. Poorman understands the concerns of project developers and neighboring property owners. And as a private attorney, Mr. Poorman has direct experience and knowledge of the legal issues involved in land use and development applications.
We assist individuals and professional developers with:
- subdivisions
- zoning amendments
- comprehensive plan amendments
- annexation requests
- variances
- conditional use permits
- administrative hearings and appeals
- land use litigation
If you are considering a land use or development project, or if you are looking for assistance to oppose a pending project, contact our office for comprehensive professional advice. We know the law, we know the issues, we know the people and we know the politics. Let our experience and knowledge work for you.